Seeing people in graduation gowns (penguins outfits) never meant anything for me. College seemed nothing more than a place to bypass time, so that I could figure things out before I entered into the labor world.
This is exactly why 2 years, dressing up in a gown for my graduation ceremony in HKU space seemed like a waste of my time. I had a singing competition later in the evening. I don't want to waste my morning getting my pictures taken in a community college.
Currently, I am in my final year in uni. I've been invited for a few photo taking sessions with my senior friends. Talking to them gave me a realization that this would be me soon. That I will be graduating and leaving the education world to a cruel cruel official cubicle working 9 to 6, alternative Saturdays and occasional overtimes, with no financial allowances from my parents and still residing with my parents.
So I've made a choice. My path is mine. I do weigh my consequences when I make decisions, but for the first time, I want to live independent of my parents and work in a place that makes both me and my parents proud.
I want to start a business of my own. I have a clear vision of what it is a lot I can see so many twists and turns and obstacles in my path. But oddly, I actually feel excited. I'm starting to see the world differently now. Like the role of my relationship with the world has changed from user to creator. And I anticipate every day to come.
It's both good and bad. The bad is that I am constantly tired. Maybe I'm not used to thinking so much... I also can't fall asleep at night. And I wake up super early in the mornings :(
I don't know how graduation story got to this. I should probably change the subject name.
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