Thursday, July 17, 2014

Important meeting 2

3:45pm Footbridge. Oh crap, I forgot to bring my ipad, I've spent so much time transferring embarrassing Skype photos of Spanky to a private album earlier today, and I forgot to bring my list of questions, and I forgot to bring my pen...Well, EW0 dude is always late, plus he hasnt replied my email, maybe he's going ot get back at me at 5pm, so why don't I head back and pick up the stuff that I need. 

Just when I was about to head up the elavators, my phone rings. Alas, it is the EW0 dude. He calls and asks where I am, I lie and tell him I'm in the library. He says he's in the building across, and would like to meet me there.

I run.

I run as streamline as I can.

I try not to sweat.

Thanks to the typhoon, I was not as sweaty as I thought. However, just as I head up the elevator, EW0 dude calls again. I guess they were not as patient as I thought..

Remember, it's better to be a bit later, than to be messy and sweaty and nervous. I tell myself. You are a lady. Ahem, I am a lady. 

Ah, 11th floor of Li Ka Shing Building..interesting, isn't that where the Deans of the schools are situated? What a strange place to meet?

As I open the door I find myself shaking hands with 3 various heads in the campus management team. The CFO, the manager, and other head officer.

While, I was presenting my idea, (luckily in English), was the most detailed, un-HoneyMilkegg funnied, professional presentation that I ever given. I was so calm, despite running running 800 meters for the last 5 minutes.

I have never been so proud of my presentation.

Then the EW0 dude left for another meeting when he realized that things were going very smoothly. The 4 of us remained in my seats and fired a serious of questions, such as how heavy the bin is. with each question, I as able to provide a different diagram. Very well gone HoneyMilkEgg. The lady seemed to be the most aggressive of them all. She spoke very well English and she was able to generate her sets of ideas. She had 2 important questions though, and the general question amongst them all is HOW much can they actually save.

I need to leave for dinner now, basically we had a tour of "the entire operation of a cleaner from the collection point to the sub collection point, to the mobile trucks and the finally compression place. The lady has made her idea about what she thought about her project. I wished Spanky was here. He is much better at casual chatting and selling compared to me. I'm just a presenter... :(

My approach is quite passive, until I can come up with a solution to solve the customers problem, I won't try to hard sell anything. However, given that situation, maybe what I have done is correct? Could I have handled it differently if their final decision were unchanged? hmmm...

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